नववर्ष येत आहे – NAV VARSH YET AAHE
In this poem, the poetess welcomes the new year. While poetess waits for the new year, she turns back for a moment and fills her eyes with the memories of the past year. She speaks about her resolve to protect trees and promises to be kind to everybody around her. While saying this, she also reminds us…
तीर्थंकर बाळासम – TIRTHANKAR BAALAASAM
In this poem the poetess says, ‘Jin-bimb is a symbol of pure soul. Tirthankars have pure soul. No other person is as beautiful as Tirthankar(तीर्थंकर).’ तीर्थंकर बाळासम सुंदर कुणी न तिन्ही जगती जिनबिंबाचे दर्शन घेण्या अधीर जन सुरपती रूप मनोहर तीन छत्रयुत आम्रतरूच्या तळी झळाळणारी सुवर्णकांती पद्मे चरणा तली चौसठ चवऱ्या निसर्गकन्या भवताली ढाळती वाणी शीतल…
आम्रमंजिरी – AAMRA-MANJIRI
The mind of human beings always wonders here and there. It is not still. The mind is always in search of permanent happiness.Every person wants to know the answers of questions like, who am I? What is the purpose of my existence? Where shall I go after my deathIn the primary stage of man’s spiritual…
दिवाळी – DIWALI
This is a parody poem or Vidamban kavya. Diwali is the festival of lights and it brings happiness. ”गाते पृथ्वीवरी या दिवाळी” मूळ गीत- आली माझ्या घरी ही दिवाळी गाते पृथ्वीवरी या दिवाळी सप्तसुरांच्या गंधाने न्हाली स्वप्न मुग्ध हसे डोळियात वसे रूप आठवून मन वेडेपिसे कोर चंद्राची माझिया भाळी कधी गुलाब तू कधी पारिजात भिजु…
धुवांधार जलधार – DHUVANDHAR JALDHAR
In this poem the poetess describes how heavily rain fell and then what happened. कोसळला तो वरुण नभातुन धुवांधार जलधार धरणीला ना पेलवला हा धारांचा जोहार थेंब तुझेरे मोतीमुक्ता नव्हते या वेळी उगवून येण्याआधी गेल्या शेतातिल साळी रडतील बागा रडतील शेते झरेल श्रावणधार रूप तुझे हे पाहुन सरिता पिसाट ही झाली कवेत घेउन गावे सारी…
स्वतंत्रतेचा माझा बाणा – SWATANTRATECHA MAZA BANA
In this poem poetess says, I want to live together with my dear persons. But I want my space also. I want free and happy life. I wish, all people should live happily with their dear persons. They should get their space. I want to speak and write as per my wish. स्वतंत्रतेचा माझा बाणा…
मनमौजी मी एक दिवाणी – MANMOUJI MEE EK DIWANI
In this poem the poetess says, I am very happy person. I am the queen in my house. I want to live as I want. I want to sing songs, live in house on the hilltop. I shall fly kite in the sky. I want to cut all kites flying in sky, if they fly like fluttering…