उमजलेले गोड काही – UMAJALELE GOD KAAHEE
In this Ghazal the poetess says, ‘Now a days my heart experiences some beautiful(गोड) things and I write poems to tell about these really beautiful experiences. In the past time how I hid my sweet emotions?’ This Ghazal is written in Akshargan vrutt. Vrutt is GAA LA GAA GAA, GAA LA GAA GAA, GAA LA…
मेघमाला श्यामला मी- MEGHMAALAA SHYAMALAA MEE
This Ghazal is written in Aksharganvrutt, Vrutt is GAA LA GAA GAA, GAA LA GAA GAA, GAA LA GAA GAA, GAA LA GAA GAA. Here Radif is ‘Meghmala shyamla mee(मेघमाला श्यामला मी). वादळाशी झुंजणारी मेघमाला श्यामला मी वीज नेत्री पाळणारी मेघमाला श्यामला मी वारुळाला फोडणारी सर्प सारे शोधणारी वाट त्यांना दावणारी मेघमाला श्यामला मी बासुरीची…
या अता – YAA ATAA
This Ghazal is written in Akshargan vrutt. Vrutt is GAA LA GAA GAA, GAA LA GAA GAA, GAA LA GAA GAA GAA. This Ghazal is written in twenty-three(23) matras. Radif of this Ghazal is Bhitre(भित्रे). In this Ghazal the poetess says, Coward people make noise (barking) but at the time of testing they are absent.…
प्रीत जडली कशी – PREET JADALEE KASHEE
This Ghazal is written in Akshargan vrutt. Vrutt is GAA LA GAA, GAA LA GAA, GAA LA GAA, GAA LA GAA. This Ghazal is musalsal Ghazal. Suject of this Ghazal is love. This Ghazal is savatee kafiya Ghazal. Kafiyas are Kunee, Dhanee Sunee etc. In this Ghazal the poetess says, How did they fall in love?…
अता बोलू जुने सारे – ATAA BOLOO JUNE SAARE
This Ghazal is written in Akshargan vrutt. Vrutt is LA GAA GAA GAA , LA GAA GAA GAA, LA GAA GAA GAA, LA GAA GAA GAA. In this Ghazal the poetess says, Now I really want to speak about past things; I want to sing that song again because I can’t avoid that song. अता…
दहिवर हळवे – DAHIVAR HALAVE
This Ghazal is written in twenty-four(24) matras. Here Radif is ‘Bagh(बघ) and kafiyas are halavanaar, hasavanaar, fulavanaar etc. Dahivar(दहिवर) means dewdrops. In this Ghazal the poetess believes that, dewdrops have power of creating emotions in stones and rocks. Rays of morning sun are able to creat smile on faces of crickets(रातकिडे). दहिवर हळवे दगडांना या…
निर्धूम अग्नि मी तो – NIRDHOOM AGNI MEE TO
Smokeless flame is pure flame. Omkar means pure soul. Pure soul means complete knowledge without any doubt,fear or ego. Our name may not explain absolutely everything about us; But name helps in explaining a lot about us. In this Ghazal the poetess says, you should search for truth and positivity in your name and try…