Tag: Marathi Ghazal

  • आभार मानते मी – AABHAR MANATE MEE

    This Ghazal is written in akshargan vrutt. Vrutt is GAA GAA LA GAA, LA GAA GAA, GAA GAA LA GAA, LA GAA GAA.  Here Radif is ‘Abhar manate mee’ and kafiyas are kshananche, swaranche, fulanche, jyotibanche,  guruvaranche, vachakanche. In this ghazal the poetess is saying thanks to happy colourful moments and fragrant notes in her life.…

  • लखलखणारी प्रीत दिवाळी – LAKHLAKHANARI PRIT DIWALI

    Diwali festival is the  king of Indian festivals. It is celebrated for five days. In this Ghazal five days of the Diwali festival are described. This Ghazal is written in matravrutt(16 matras). लखलखणारी प्रीत दिवाळी; सडा शिंपिते उषा सकाळी. बारस येता गोधन वंदू; उभी अंगणी कपिला काळी. ध्यानाची तेरस उजळूदे; आत्म-ज्योत प्राचीच्या भाळी. क्षुधा शमविण्या नर-असुरांची;…

  • ‘सुनेत्रा’ तुझीही, गझल मयुर पंखी – ‘SUNETRA’ TUZIHI GHAZAL MAYUR PANKHI

    This Ghazal describes how Indians celebrate Diwali festival. Diwali is a festival of lights and new happy moments. In this season weather is very pleasant, sky is white and earth is green adorned with colourful flowers. This Ghazal is in written in Aksharganvrutt, LA GAA GAA, LA GAA GAA, LA GAA GAA, LA GAA GAA.…

  • शकून सांगे, गोड, कावळा – SHAKUN SANGE, GOD, KAVALA

    It is supposed that crow looks only with one eye. ‘Kakdrishti’ means vision of a crow or a person having vision of crow.Such persons find out only faults in another person. To find out faults in others is also good work. If we know faults in our behaviour, look etc then it is easy to…

  • सम्यकदर्शन-ज्ञान-चारित्र्य – SAMYAKDARSHAN-DNYAAN-CHAARITRY

    In this muktak the poetess says, samyakdarshan-dnyaan-chaaritry is Ratnatray. Followers of Ahimsa dharm are able to get Ratnatray. रत्नत्रय हे त्रिशूल अमुचे अज्ञानावर करण्या वार धर्म अहिंसा एकमेव मम अनेकांतमय  सत्य विचार सुर-असुरादिक प्राणी पक्षि जलचर भूचर आणि खेचर वृक्षलतिका मानव सारे सृष्टीच्या कंठातिल हार

  • गुलाम कसला, नबाब तू तर! – GULAM KASALA, NABAB TU TAR!

    Aatm-hansa means soul in our heart. Soul’s aim is to become free from all ugly relations. Inner voice means our soul’s voice. It comes from our heart. Ghazal means madness taken for good task. कमळ, मोगरा, गुलाब तू तर; गुलाम कसला, नबाब तू तर! आत्महंस तू, मुला-फुलातिल; कुरूप म्हणती, खराब तू तर! सुगंध भरले, श्वास…

  • हरित धरेचा साज ऋतू – HARIT DHARECHA SAAJ RUTU

    In India there six seasons. They are Vasant, Greeshm, Varshaa, Hemant, Sharad and Shishir. Every season has it’s own beauty. In Sharad rutu(season) there are no black clouds. A full-moon-day in Sharad rutu is known as Kojagiri pournima. The beauty of Kojagiri night is very special.  In this Ghazal various beauty spots in Sharad rutu…