Tag: Marathi Ghazal

  • ओठ तुझेकी बंद पाकळ्या – OTH TUZEKI BAND PAKALYA

    This Ghazal is writeen in sixteen(16) matras. Here the poetess says, Your lips are like closed petals of flower. These petals bind me like chain. ओठ तुझेकी बंद पाकळ्या मला बांधण्या जणू साखळ्या नेत्रांमधुनी गझल ठिबकता जांभुळ गाली निळ्या सावल्या कवितेचे मी करेन कोंदण मुखचंद्राला तुझ्या सावळ्या पायी पैंजण हळू वाजता थरथरती बघ मूक झावळ्या…

  • खोल गंभीर नाद – KHOL GAMBHIR NAAD

    This Ghazal is written in eleven(11) matras. In this Ghazal(Matala) the poetess says, my soul’s call(inner voice) comes from depth of my heart. This Ghazal is traslation  of beautiful thoughts in my mind. If poem is described as a fairy, Ghazal is Fairy queen. Parizaad means fairy queen. Here Radif is absent. Kafiyas are Naad, Saad, Anuvaad,…

  • मातीच्या या घटात सुंदर – MATICHYA YA GHATAT SUNDAR

    In this muktak the poetess describes importance  of Ghtasthapana festival. मातीच्या या घटात सुंदर, धान्य पेरिले, येण्या अंकुर; कले कलेने वाढ होऊदे, कवेत घेण्या अवघे अंबर.

  • दीप-धूप जल – DEEP-DHOOP JAL

    This Ghazal is written in sixteen(16) maatraas. Here radeef is maazyaasaathee and kaafiyaas are jal, tap(swaraanchaa kaafiyaa)etc. दीप-धूप जल माझ्यासाठी; माझे जपतप माझ्यासाठी शरीर मम धर्माचे साधन; करिते अनशन माझ्यासाठी म्हणती कोणी युद्ध कशाला; हे रणकंदन माझ्यासाठी करिते भक्ती म्हणून झुरते; अवघे तनमन माझ्यासाठी कृष्ण होउनी नभी दाटती; झरणारे घन माझ्यासाठी

  • उगाच प्रीती – UGAACH PREETEE

    ‘Tuze moun’ is the Ghazal which includes 577 sher. This Ghazal is written by shri Ilahi Jamadar. In this Ghazal saarrathee(Tuze moun) is also present together with Radif and kaafiyaa.  Saarathi sits infront of all who are sitting in the vehicle. If vehicle is animal like horse or camel then saarvaan knows how to control…

  • लबाड कोल्हा – LABAAD KOLHAA

    Fox is an animal famous for his cunning nature. Sometimes in human beings also this cunning nature exsists. This Ghazal throws light on cunning attitude in human beings. This ghazal is written in 24 matras. Here Radif is kolhaa(fox). Kafiyas are unaad, labaad, bighaad, ghabaad, kavaad, sataad. करून चुगल्या थकल्यानंतर उनाड कोल्हा मिटून डोळे तपास बसतो…

  • जगणार मस्त बाई – JAGANAR MASTA BAAI

    In this Ghazal the poetess asks us not to make fun of women. women can creat pure relations with men and children. It is  said that women are weak but they are strong enough to protect their family and neighbours and nation also. They can take efforts to save girl child. Women look forward to…