Tag: Ghazal in maatraa vrutta

  • ग्रीष्म अथवा शिशिर बन – GREESHM ATHAVAA SHISHIR BAN

    This Ghazal(12 matras) is mishr(mixed) Ghazal. In this Ghazal first line of sher is in Marathi language and second line of sher is in Hindi language. This Ghazal is written in twelve(12) matras. In this Ghazal the poetess says to her own mind, ‘Let you be a summer or winter; let you be a smile, a…

  • देखावे सजले – DEKHAVE SAJALE

    Marriage is one of the happiest moment in human beings life. This Ghazal shows importance of marriage through various angles. Radif of this Ghazal is ‘Dekhave sajale’ and kafiyas are fulavaya, jamavaya, ujalaya, katavaya, udhalaya, bharavaya. This Ghazal is written in twenty-two(22) matras. Vrutta- GAA GAA GAA, GAA GAA GAA, GAA GAA GAA, GAA GAA.…

  • एक पाहिले एक ऐकिले – EK PAHILE EK AIKILE

    This Ghazal is written in matravrutt. It is written in sixteen(16) matras. The word ‘mee'(मी) in the second line of Matala(first sher) stands for ego in human beings. एक पाहिले एक ऐकिले किती किती ‘मी’ तुला टोचले पाडस माझे सशास घेउन सूर्यावर बघ अता पोचले बरेच झाले तसेच केले ओघळलेले रक्त पेरिले लोचन डोळे नयन…

  • गुलाबात मी – GULAABAAT MEE

    This ghazal is written in matravrutt(8 matras).  Radif of this ghazal is ‘mee’ and kafiyas are tadagat, gulabat, sunetrat etc.In this ghazal the poetess says, ‘My exsistance is in every beautiful thing; it is in still and clean water pond and it is in rose flower. तडागात मी गुलाबात मी फुलात लपल्या परागात मी पौर्णिमेतल्या प्रकाशात…

  • शेर – SHER

    In this Ghazal(16 matras) Radif is ‘Sunetra’. Sunetra is name of  the poetess. Sunetra means woman having beautiful eyes and best vision. Kafiyas are fase, hase, nase, pise, vase, thase. In any Ghazal minimum five shers are necessary. शेर गुंफुनी, फसे, सुनेत्रा; शेर गुरगुरे, हसे, सुनेत्रा. लाख जुळविले, शब्द देखणे; भावाविन पण, नसे, सुनेत्रा. काट्यामध्ये,…

  • लखलखणारी प्रीत दिवाळी – LAKHLAKHANARI PRIT DIWALI

    Diwali festival is the  king of Indian festivals. It is celebrated for five days. In this Ghazal five days of the Diwali festival are described. This Ghazal is written in matravrutt(16 matras). लखलखणारी प्रीत दिवाळी; सडा शिंपिते उषा सकाळी. बारस येता गोधन वंदू; उभी अंगणी कपिला काळी. ध्यानाची तेरस उजळूदे; आत्म-ज्योत प्राचीच्या भाळी. क्षुधा शमविण्या नर-असुरांची;…

  • शकून सांगे, गोड, कावळा – SHAKUN SANGE, GOD, KAVALA

    It is supposed that crow looks only with one eye. ‘Kakdrishti’ means vision of a crow or a person having vision of crow.Such persons find out only faults in another person. To find out faults in others is also good work. If we know faults in our behaviour, look etc then it is easy to…