तव अस्तित्वाचा अंकुर आता रुजला – TAV ASTITVACHA ANKUR ATA RUJALA
God stays in our heart. When this belief or trust enters and stays forever in our heart we can feel God’s exsistance. The faith that God only is my most beloved person is known as madhura-bhakti. In other words it means Atma-priti. तव अस्तित्वाचा अंकुर आता रुजला ही मधुराभक्ती चिंब भिजविते मजला मी क्षणात मीरा…
कुणीतरी हळूहळू – KUNITARI HALUHALU
This Ghazal is written in Akasharganvrutta. Vrutta is LA GAA, LA GAA, LA GAA, LA GAA, LA GAA, LA GAA, LA GAA, LA GAA. In this Ghazal the poetess says, Someone is calling you in a soft voice. This voice reminds us the voice of Sitar or jaltarang. कुणीतरी हळूहळू तुलाच साद घालते निळ्या निळ्या…
ती असते तेव्हा शब्दशरांचा भाता – TEE ASATE TEVHNA SHABD-SHARANCHA BHATA
Here the poetess says, when she(a poetess) plays with words she writes poems. At night when all are sleeping she writes poems. That time she is not a wife, friend or a beloved person. That time she is only a bag(bhaataa) full of arrows(baan) of words. With the help of these words she gives birth…
मातीत तापल्या कोसळती या धारा – MATIT TAPALYA KOSALATI YA DHARA
Soil on this earth becomes hot in summer(grishm) season. In this season when rain(valiv) pours on this earth, wind becomes mad by wet fragrance of soil. Pruthvi(earth), Aap(water), Tej(flame), Vaayu(air), Aakaash(sky) these are called Panch-maha-bhute. When Valiv-rain comes on this earth these panch-maha-bhute also becomes mad and starts dancing madly. At this moment our mind…
मी न सजवली नाती – MEE N SAJAVALI NAATI
Relationships play an important role in people’s life. We have relationships not only with human beings but also with animals, plants and nature. We depend on each other. In this Ghazal the poetess says, I haven’t decorated relationships selfishly or for having fun for sometime. I haven’t created relationships or broken them purposely. Beautiful relations…
हे देठ केशरी – HE DETH KESHARI
When the poetess sees orange coloured stalks of flower Prajakta, she feels that these stalks are like lips. She feels that these lips(stalks) are showering alphabets and words. She says that, her hands are full of these flowers. हे देठ केशरी प्राजक्ताचे फुलले जणु ओठ कुणाचे हळवे ओले हसले अक्षरे बरसली झिमझिम ओठांमधुनी अन शब्दफुलांनी…
उपयोग सांग तू – UPAYOG SANG TU
I write poems because I become happy when I write poems. But when someone asks me, What is the use of your poems? can you earn money for living from writing poems?; I feel very sad. But this sadness remains only for few moments. I know that now at this time I have no answers…