तुझ्या नि माझ्या गोष्टीमध्ये – TUZYA NI MAZYA GOSHTIMADHYE
In this Ghazal(28 matras) the poetess asks, In our story who wrote storms and who wrote to tears to go away. Radif of this Ghazal is ‘Lihile koni’ and Kafiyas are Vadal, Maval, Mangal, Bhoval, Darval, Pranjal. This Ghazal is written in 28 matras. तुझ्या नि माझ्या गोष्टीमध्ये वादळ लिहिले कोणी गालावरच्या अश्रूंना मग मावळ…
उधाणलेली लाट धुंद मी – UDHANLELI LAAT DHUNDA MEE
In this Ghazal(24 matras) the poetess says, I want to become free from all troublesome bondings and I want to flow freely as my own wish. In the last stanza(makta) our inner voice(soul) says, ‘I am a free soul. You should listen my voice carefully and leave your selfish emotions(kashhay- Mad, Matsar, Lobh, Krodh, Mayaachar…
मागून मिळाले नाही देऊन मिळाले मजला – MAGUN MILALE NAHI DEUN MILALE MAJALA
In this ghazal(28) matras) the poetess says, When I demanded for something then I don’t get it. But when I tried my best to give someone that I have already, then I got all these things(love, happiness, healthy and wealthy life, respect) again and again. This Ghazal is Gairmurraddaf Ghazal. Kafiyas are Majala, Didhala, Bharala etc.…
फुलावयाचे भय गेले रे – FULAVAYACHE BHAY GELE RE
In this Ghazal(16 matras) the poetess says, I have no fear of blooming freely and running fast. While running I have no fear of falling. My thoughts are different but they are beautiful. I know these thoughts will bring happiness and balance in nature. Readers like my writing. So now I have no fear of writing…
स्वातंत्र्याचे गात तराणे – SWATANTRYACHE GAAT TARANE
This Ghazal(32 matras) deals with a social issue. Radif of this is Muktee. Muktee means freedom. But the word freedom should be viewed through various angles. स्वातंत्र्याचे गात तराणे(पवाडे) डोक्यावरती बसली मुक्ती कशास करशी कंठशोष तू हृदयामधुनी वदली मुक्ती राखिव जागा आल्या आणि राज्यावरती बसली राणी रिमोट पण राजाच्या हाती कसला मोक्ष न कसली मुक्ती…
सांग ओठास तुझी गोष्ट – SANG OTHAS TUZI GOSHTA
This Ghazal is written in Akasharganvrutta. Vrutta is GAA LA GAA GAA LA, LA GAA GAA LA, LA GAA GAA GAA GAA. Radif of this Ghazal is Baaee. ‘Baaee’ means woman. In this Ghazal (matala) the poetess says, Tell your story of flowers to your lips or anyone’s lips, then lips will give you gift…
हळूहळू मी खिरते आहे – HALU HALU MEE KHIRATE AAHE
This Ghazal is written in 16 matras. Different flowers are described in this Ghazal. Here Radif is Aahe. Kafiyas are khirate, fulate, daravalate, lakhalakhate etc. हळूहळू मी खिरते आहे तरी कशाने फुलते आहे दूरदूर त्या बनी केतकी माझ्यासम दरवळते आहे नाही वादळ नाही वर्षा वीज तरी लखलखते आहे नकोस उधळू गंध असा तू मोगऱ्यास मी…