Tag: Marathi Ghazal

  • वारा घाली, सुरेल फुंकर – VARA GHALI SUREL FUNKAR

    This Ghazal is written in, GAA GAA GAA GAA , LA GAA LA, GAA GAA Vrutta. The nature has its own beauty. In this nature we meet the wind, the sky, stars, flowers like nargis and umbar. The atmosphere described in this Ghazal is very pleasant. Wind is blowing slowly. Wind is singing songs. Gardens…

  • तो हात का सख्या तू – TO HAT KA SAKHYA TU

    In this ghazal it is imagined that sky is playing with colours. The sky becomes colourful. The poetess is searching her beloved person in the colours of sky, in the singing wind, in the wet petals of flowers like prajakt, jaee etc. she is searching her beloved person in the depth of her heart. VRUTTA-…

  • आभाळाशी नाते माझे – ABHALASHI NATE MAZE

     All of us have some relationship & bindings between each other. We stay on the earth, we like earth but we have attraction towards sky also. We have attachment with sky also. Happy moments and sad moments in our life pass away. Vrutta used for this Ghazal is, GAA GAA GAA GAA, GAA GAA GAA…

  • पुन्हा तू कोकिळे – PUNHA TU KOKILE

    In the last stanza of this ghazal the following message is given: if you want to do bright work, then don’t be afraid to fight with darkness. vrutta- LA GAA GAA, GAA LA GAA GAA, GAA LA GAA, GAA GAA LA GAA. पुन्हा तू कोकिळे ती, बासरी होऊ नको; वसंती वारियाने, नाचरी होऊ नको. कसे…

  • कबूल करना – KABUL KARANA

    In this Ghazal, in the first SHER, poetess asks ‘GOD’ to agree that he had taken her examination or tested her unknowingly.This Ghazal is written in matravrutta. Radif of this Ghazal is “kabul karana.” kafiyas used in this Ghazal are pariksha, shiksha, raksha, riksha, bhiksha, samiksha, kaksha etc. घेतलीस तू छुपी परीक्षा कबूल करना मान्य…

  • चारित्र्य प्रीत माझी – CHARITRYA PRIT MAZI

    This Ghazal is written in aksharganvrutta; GAA GAA LA GAA, LA GAA GAA… This Ghazal is Jadid Ghazal. ते शोधतात आता चघळावयास काही मिळते न ते म्हणोनी ते ओढतात बाही गाणार गीत गझला द्याहो सतार मजला भेटेल मग मलाही कृष्णासवेच राही काळीज धडकतेका त्यांचे सशापरी हो त्यांचा न दोष काही देणार कोण ग्वाही मी घालताच…

  • मृत्तिकेचे पात्र श्यामल – MRUTTIKECHE PATR SHYAMAL

    In this ghazal earthen pot symbolizes the human body and water in that pot is symbolizes a saturated, wet mind. We know that shastra or grantha teaches us many things. Guru also teaches us so many good things. When guru speaks his eyes also speak. At that time we feel that eyes of guru are…