Tag: Marathi Kavita

  • अजून माझ्या – AJOON MAAZYAA

    This poem describes state of happy mind. Our mind becomes colourful like nature. Various colours in nature like pink, green, blue, violet, blakish, yellow, red, purple are described in this poem. अजून माझ्या मनी गुलाबी चाफा हिरवा दरवळतो रे आठवणींचा मोर निळा तो धवल धुक्यातुन अवतरतो रे गाभूळलेली चिंच तपकिरी दातावरती दात हुळहुळे जांभुळ भरले…

  • जप जप – JAP JAP

    This poem is a short poem containing only five lines. जप जप जपता माळ जपाची, तप तप करता बाग फुलांची, उन्हात तापुन फुले झळकली! घड द्राक्षांचा तुटून पडला, द्राक्ष मण्यांनी ओंजळ भरली!!

  • घाट – GHAAT

    This poem is written in muktchhand. This poem describes various paths in our journey of life. Every person is free to choose his own path. निळा जांभळा डोंगर, शुभ्र शुभ्र शिखर! साद घालतय कधीपासून, आकाश गर्भाच्या तळातून! कितीकिती वाटा… आपल्याला वाटतात, वरती वरती जाणाऱ्या. झळाळणाऱ्या उडवणाऱ्या, चकवणाऱ्या, गोल गोल फिरवणाऱ्या; काही मऊ मखमली, काही काटेरी,…

  • नववर्ष येत आहे – NAV VARSH YET AAHE

    In this poem, the poetess welcomes the new year. While poetess waits for the new year, she turns back for a moment and fills her eyes with the memories of the past year. She speaks about her resolve to protect trees and promises to be kind to everybody around her. While saying this, she also reminds us…

  • कवितेच्या गावा जावे – KAVITECHYA GAVA JAVE

    In this Ghazal(14 matras) there is a town of poems. In this town people speak in a language of poetry. They sing song of heart freely. Here we meet different animals and birds. In this town animals, birds, men and women  have freedom of speech. कवितेच्या गावा जावे भरभरून द्यावे घ्यावे ओठास लावुनी पावा हृदयाचे…

  • स्वप्न चित्र रेखिते – SWAPNA-CHITRA REKHITE

    Orijanal poem is राजहंस सांगतो किर्तीच्या तुझ्या कथा हृदयी प्रीत जागते जाणता अजाणता . This song is a marathi filmsong. Sudhir fadake a wellknown singer has given music to this song. ‘Swapna-chitra rekhite’ is the poem based on above poem. In this poem the poetess says, I draw a beautiful picture of my dream. I…

  • श्रावणरमणी नीरजनयनी – SHRAVAN-RAMANI NEERAJ-NAYANI

    In this poem beauty of the earth in the month of shravan-bhadrapad is described. Green and colourful earth is personified as beautiful and charming woman wearing colourful dress and jewelaries. Her eyes are like clean water-pond in which lotus flowers are floating. Her hair are curly, cheecks are like rose flower.  In her hand there…