Category: Marathi kaavya

  • बोल गं ठमा – BOL GA THAMAA

    This song is known as Lok-geet(folk-song) in Maraathee language. This song is a parody poem based on the original song Naach ga Ghumaa(नाच गं घुमा). बोल गं ठमा! कशी मी बोलू? रागावते, ओरडते आवशी माझी! कशी मी बोलू! रावा की राघू तो, पोपट शुक-शुक का करतो? किल्ली  दे त्या हळूहळू, रडेल मग तो बुळूबुळू! मिठू मिठू…

  • जप जप – JAP JAP

    This poem is a short poem containing only five lines. जप जप जपता माळ जपाची, तप तप करता बाग फुलांची, उन्हात तापुन फुले झळकली! घड द्राक्षांचा तुटून पडला, द्राक्ष मण्यांनी ओंजळ भरली!!

  • कोनाडे सजतातच – KONADE SAJATATACH

    This Ghazal is written in Akshargan vrutt. Vrutt is GAA GAA GAA, GAA GAA GAA, GAA GAA GAA, GAA GAA GAA. This Ghazal is Gairmurrdaf Ghazal. Kafiyas are pisatatach, radatatach hasatatach etc. In this Ghazal the poetess says, people in this world are behaving like that they are playing with playing cards. Every person wants…

  • ताडीत काय गोडी- TAADEET KAAY GODEE

    Nira is healthy and natural drink obtained by Taad tree(a tree in the coconut or Maad family, somewhat like palm tree). If we drink fresh Nira before sunrise it is very good for health. After sunrise Nira becomes more acidic and converted into Taadee. Taadee is supposed as an alcoholic drink. If we drink Taadee…

  • श्रावणरमणी नीरजनयनी – SHRAVAN-RAMANI NEERAJ-NAYANI

    In this poem beauty of the earth in the month of shravan-bhadrapad is described. Green and colourful earth is personified as beautiful and charming woman wearing colourful dress and jewelaries. Her eyes are like clean water-pond in which lotus flowers are floating. Her hair are curly, cheecks are like rose flower.  In her hand there…

  • निर्झरबाला – NIRZAR-BAALAA

    In this poem The small stream of water in the mountain is personified as a Young(teen-ager) girl. How this stream acts like a teen-ager girl is described in this poem. खडकामधुनी निर्झरबाला धावे खळखळ नाद आगळा पैंजण पायी वाजे छुमछुम श्रावण सरीची वाटे रिमझिम मुग्ध शैशवा धवल मौक्तिका उधळित जाते चंचल बाला तृणबालेशी वळून बोले…

  • गर्दी – CROWD

    In this poem the poetess says, when world was ruled by mad people there were only few wise people. When these wise people became very very wise, mad people get confused. Mad people begin to write poems…and then what happened? shaddap!!!! जग वेडयांचे होते तेव्हा शहाणे होते थोडे अति शहाणे झाले सारे वेड्यांना पडले कोडे…