निळी आठवण – NILI ATHAVAN
Radif of this Ghazal is Nili athavan’. Nili athavan means blue memory.Blue means deep.This Ghazal is written in matravrutta(24 matras). मेघसावळ्या मनी ठिबकली निळी आठवण मोरपिसासम मग थरथरली निळी आठवण गोड गुलाबी पहाट हळवी पांघरता मी आभाळातुन खटयाळ हसली निळी आठवण हिरव्या पिवळ्या आठवणींचा गुंता होता मीच बदलले अन बावरली निळी आठवण नकोच रुसवा हरेन…
तू माझा अन, तुझी ‘सुनेत्रा’ – TU MAZA AN TUZI ‘SUNETRA’
This Ghazal is written in thirty-two matras. Radif of this Ghazal is ‘shyamal shyamal’. It means deep black. Kafiyas used here are Hirava(green), Halava(sensitive minded), Rusava, Mitava(dear person), Fulava, Marava(a type of colour, fragrant plant), Zulava(swing tied to the branches of trees) In this Ghazal the poetess says, my mind becomes happy and sensitive in…
गर्दी – CROWD
In this poem the poetess says, when world was ruled by mad people there were only few wise people. When these wise people became very very wise, mad people get confused. Mad people begin to write poems…and then what happened? shaddap!!!! जग वेडयांचे होते तेव्हा शहाणे होते थोडे अति शहाणे झाले सारे वेड्यांना पडले कोडे…
वेडी – VEDI
This is a small poem named ‘CHAROLI’. It contains four lines. In this charoli the poetess says, In every persons dream there is one mad person. प्रत्येकाच्या रात्रीमध्ये असते कोणी वेडी वेडीसाठी शहाण्याने अडकवलेली बेडी बेडी कसली तो तर गजरा जाई-जुईचा त्याच्यासाठी घालते ती वेणी तिपेडी
सत्य शिवाहुन, सुंदर बाई – SATYA SHIVAHUN SUNDAR BAAI
In this Ghazal(24 matras) the poetess describes, colours of relationships like; daughter, son, brother, sister,husband, father, mother and friends. Here Radif is ‘Baai’. Baai means woman. In this Ghazal this word is used as exclaimtarory word. Kafiyas used in this Ghazal are: Ambar(sky),Antar(distance), mantar(good words), zumbar(device making musical voice), Kankar(stone), Sangar(war), Funkar(soft blowing air created…
अतिरेकी मारू सारे – ATIREKI MARU SARE
In this poem the poetess says, “Terrorists in any field are dangerous. Terrorists create terror. In this poem poetess says, we should try our best to finish terrorism. We should find out true stars on the earth. Suicide, war on the battlefield is not good for our nations development. So such type of things must…
साजुक साजुक – SAJUK SAJUK
There is a live relationship between butterflies and flowers. Only the butterflies know the language of flowers.But in some special human beings there is an unknown relationship. If they don’t touch each other, don’t speak with each other, don’t stare at each other they feel love. The wavelength of their breath matches with each other…