ही शब्दांची अवखळ बाळे – HEE SHABDANCHI AVAKHAL BALE
This ghazal is written in 32 matras. Here Radif is not directly present. Radif and kafiya are dissolved in each other. This Ghazal describes power of words. ही शब्दांची अवखळ बाळे गरगर मजला किती फिरविती खोल खोल मग बुडी घेउनी चिंब भिजुन मी येते वरती पूर नकोरे मज प्रेमाचा झुळझुळणारा झरा हवारे हिरवळ मी त्या…
मनात वादळ गरगर का – MANAT VADAL GARGARKA
This Ghazal is written in 14 matras. Here Radif is ‘kaa’. kaa means why. In this ghazal the poetess asks, why storm comes in our mind? Why our body shakes with emotions like fear, joy. kafiyas are gargar, tharthar, gharghar etc. मनात वादळ गरगर का काया कापे थरथर का हृदय धुराने भरता हे प्राणा लागे घरघर…
बिअर आवडे – BEER AVADE
This ghazal is written in 30 matras. Radif is tula. Tula means to you. Kafiyas are Bhang, sang, Thang, Rang, Viklang, Bang. This Ghazal is Gair musalsal ghazal because different subjects are handled in each sher. बिअर आवडे की मदिरा तुज आवडतेका भांग तुला या प्रश्नांची गूढ उत्तरे कशी देऊ मी सांग तुला नशा जरी…
लाट नाचते रे – LAAT NACHATERE
This Ghazal is written in Akasharganvrutta. Vrutta is GAA GAA LA GAA, LA GAA GAA, GAA GAA LA GAA, LA GAA GAA. In this ghazal Radif is Re. Re is the word used for calling our close friend. In this Ghazal two kafiyas are used. So it is Jul-Kafiya Ghazal. Two kafiyas are vaat-kaat, lavate-marate…
जे असते अती शहाणे – JE ASATE ATI SHAHANE
This Ghazal is written in 28 matras. Radif of this Ghazal is ‘Tya prem mhanu mee kaise.’ kafiyas are Shahane, Bahane, Gane, Diwane etc. In this Ghazal the poetess says, True love means taking experience of love. Only writing and singng songs of love is not true love. Flow of love has no limits. जे…
गाण्यामधुनी यावे तू – GANYAMADHUNI YAVE TU
This Ghazal is written in 30 matras. Radif of this Ghazal is ‘Tu’. Tu means you. Kafiyas are Yave, Barasave, Gathave etc. In this ghazal feelings of women are expressed. गावे गावे गुणगुणते मी गाण्यामधुनी यावे तू यावे यावे म्हणता म्हणता दारी मम बरसावे तू वाट पाहुनी तुझी दिवसभर तुला भेटण्या निघता मी खुळ्या पावसापरी अकल्पित…
चहात साखर नाही म्हणुनी – CHAHAT SAKHAR NAHI MHANUNI
This Ghazal is written in matravrutta. It is written in 32 matras. In this Ghazal the poetess says to her beloved person not to become angry if there is no sugar in his tea. She asks him to read her ghazals instead of becoming angry. चहात साखर नाही म्हणुनी उगिच असा तू चिडतो का रे…