Tag: Marathi Kavita

  • गारेगार – GAREGAR

    In the summer holidays children play different games like Chendufali (criket), hide and seek etc. After playing in the hot sun children buy Kulfi from Kulfivala. In Marathi the word ‘Garegar’ is used for Kulfi. कोण खेळते चेंडू-फळी अन कोण खेळते पळापळी….. कुणी लंगडी घालत येते- हळूच गुपचूप पाय बदलते; पाठीवरती ‘खो’ घालुनी, बसलेल्याला कुणी…

  • सुंदर माय! – SUNDAR MAAY

    The Marathi word ‘Maay’ means mother. In this poem poetess meets her beloved mother in the dream. This dream is described in this poem. स्वप्नामध्ये काल भेटली, स्वप्नसखी मज सुंदर माय ! उरी उरी मग भेटुन तिजला , रडलो दोघी  धाय धाय!! तेच प्रेम अन तोच जिव्हाळा , अंतरातुनी फुटे उमाळा … उसळुन आल्या भरतीच्या…

  • सृजनाचा हुंकार – SRUJANACHA HUNKAR

    Years pass away. New year comes regularly at the same time. But, not only every year but also every day, every moment gives knowledge to us only if, we think positively. This message is given in this poem. दिवसामागुन दिवस उलटले महिने वर्षे किती नेमे येते नवे वर्ष हे कौतुक त्याचे किती क्याटरिना अन रिटा सुनामी…

  • सुंदर घुमविती घागरी – SUNDAR GHUMVITI GHAGARI

    In the temples of goddess Ambabai, Tulajabhavani, Renukadevi, Yallammadevi the devotees play with roundshaped pots of metals. In Marathi this play is known as ‘GHAGARI GHUMAVINE’. This is one of the happiest moments in the devotees life. रंग कणिका अंबरातल्या उधळिल्या सागरी सुंदर घुमविती घागरी घागरी घुमविती घागरी यज्ञ पेटला संधीकाली लोभ-मत्सरा जाळे होळी बालके…

  • मृद्गंधाचा मस्त धुमारा!!!-MRUDGANDHACHA MAST DHUMARA!!!

    In this poem the atmosphere of a rainy day is described. Clouds have gather in the sky and it is but there is no sign of rain yet. So the poetess wishes the breeze to come and clouds to pour and soak the earth; so that the smell of soil spreads everywhere. घन, घन झाले,…