Tag: Marathi sahitya

  • मनूच्या स्मृतीवरी – MANUCHYA SMRUTIVARI

    This is a parody poem or vidamban kavya. It is written on the original poem ‘kunachya khandyavar kunache oze’ written by Aarati prabhu(c t.khanolkar). In this poem the poetess says, We should live without taking burden of past. We should live with true emotions. मनाच्या मानेवरी, घणाचे ओझे, घणाचे ओझे! गालावरी झरायचे, नीर होऊन, कोप…

  • कसा धरू भोपळा – KASA DHARU BHOPALA

    Kasa dharu bhopala(कसा धरू भोपळा) is a parody poem or vidamban kavya based on original filmsong, kashi karu swagataa(कशी करू स्वागता-मुंबईचा जावई). This song is written by G.D. madgulkar and music is given by Sudhir fadake. Singer is Suman kalyanpur. कसा धरू भोपळा हातामध्ये पकडुन धुवुकी? नळाखाली आडवा… वजन कसे मी त्याचे तोलू? हळूहळू की…

  • देणार रात आता – DENAAR RAAT AATAA

    This is a parody poem based on the original poem ‘yenar naath aataa(येणार नाथ आता). येणार नाथ आता is a famous marathi film song. In this parody poem the poetess says, Kojagiri night showered with milky light of full moon will give us so many beautiful things and our hands will take this natures gift…

  • अमृत तूही प्राशरे हास रे – AMRUT TUHI PRASH RE HAS RE

    This is a parody poem. Original poem is ‘dhund madhumati rat re'(धुंद मधुमती रात रे) famous song in marathi film ‘Kichak vadh’. रुंद हनुवटी ताठ रे नाक रे लहरी सम हे कुरळे कुंतल भाव लोचनी अवखळ चंचल गुलाबी जाहले गाल रे भाल रे कुंडल नाही कर्ण डोलती कंकण नाही कर किणकिणती छुमछूम वाजती पाय रे नाच…

  • कापुराचा हाती चुरा – KAPURACHA HATI CHURA

    This poem is parody poem or vidamban kavita. Original poem is ‘Yere ghana yere ghana, nhaau ghal mazya mana’, written by Aarati prabhu(Khanolkar). साम्बारतो फळे विळा अंगी त्याच्या लाख कळा पातभाज्या मस्त ताज्या जांभूळल्या फूलभाज्या येरे येरे बाग म्हणे आड येतो कांदा मुळा सोडुनिया रीतीभाती पेटणार काळी माती विजेसंगे पावसा तू पाड नक्षत्रांचा सडा सत्य…

  • अहिंसा हाच आत्म्याचा धर्म – AHIMSAA HAACH ATMYAACHAA DHARMA

    Ahimsaa dharma means relegion of nonviolence. Dharma means nature of a substance.  e.g. water is originally cold. So coolness is the nature of water and it is it’s dharma. All living beings have ‘soul’. Nature of soul is to remain free from outer bondings. By deep devotion and true trust on Ahimsaa dharm we can…

  • अहिंसा: जैन धर्माचे मूलतत्व – AHIMSA: JAIN DHARMACHE MULATATVA

    Dharma or relegion means system of faith and worship but if we think deeply dharm means our natural behaviour. Natural behaviour of a person decides his or her dharm. In jainisam inner beauty is more important than physical beauty. In the process of increasing inner beauty our character plays an important role. Souls basic character…