प्रतिमा – PRATIMA
This poem contains four stanzas. A very happy family and their daily routine is described in this poem. शुद्ध चांदीच्या निरांजनी या शुद्ध तुपासह वात तेवते; कारण आजी कापूस पिंजुन वळून वाती जपुन ठेवते. गाळुन जल हे आजोबांना नात गोमटी आणून देते, अभिषेकाने प्रभूची प्रतिमा कषाय मनीचे अपुल्या नेते. गुलाब, चंपक, जुई, मोगरा परडीमध्ये फुले…
दीड शहाणे – DID SHAHANE
This poem contains nine(9) stanzas. In this poem the poetess wants to say that in this world people who work with good intention are decided mad by selfish people. Creativity or creative work is important in our daily routine life. जग वेडयांचे होते तेव्हा शहाणे होते थोडे अति शहाणे झाले सारे वेड्यांना पडले कोडे जग…
राजहंस – RAJ-HANSA
Kavivary G. D. madgulkar wrote Geet Ramayan. He also wrote many film-songs, Poems. ‘Eka talyat hoti badake pile surekh’ is the famous song written by him. In his song ‘Raj-hansa’ means our soul. Here in this poem, the poetess, describes the beauty of this Raj-hansa. Raj-hansa stays in her heart. It’s wings are like petales…
काचेची बरणी – KACHECHI BARANI
Sheel’ means character of human beings. In Jain philosophy samyak:dardhan-dnyan-charitrya, is known as Ratnatray. Here ‘charitrya’ means character. Meaning of ‘character’ is not only related with sex but also with purity of mind. Ego is the main enemy or disturbance in getting purity of soul. In this poem the poetess gives a message that, Character…
स्वतंत्रतेचा माझा बाणा – SWATANTRATECHA MAZA BANA
In this poem poetess says, I want to live together with my dear persons. But I want my space also. I want free and happy life. I wish, all people should live happily with their dear persons. They should get their space. I want to speak and write as per my wish. स्वतंत्रतेचा माझा बाणा…
मनमौजी मी एक दिवाणी – MANMOUJI MEE EK DIWANI
In this poem the poetess says, I am very happy person. I am the queen in my house. I want to live as I want. I want to sing songs, live in house on the hilltop. I shall fly kite in the sky. I want to cut all kites flying in sky, if they fly like fluttering…
मस्त दुपार…- MASTA DUPAR…
This poem is written in ‘Mukt-chhanda. We can describe this type of poem as ‘Lalit-kavya’ also. This is a ‘Fantasy’ type of poetry. It is a “Guj-goshta” between teen-agers. अशीच एक सुस्त दुपार… Electronics ची lab , टेबलासमोर उभी असलेली ती, आणि… समोर असलेली ती भली मोठी circuit digram, capacitors, resisters, voltmeter…amiter, I C’s आणि…